Feb 17, 2011

Slippery Slide

Last night we had a big snowstorm which dumped about 8 inches of fluffy white stuff. I peeked outside into a white out before the plows zoomed by. A Suburban was slipping and sliding down our street and when it tried to turn the corner, the driver lost total control. The big car slid into the gutter and got hopelessly stuck. What could the driver do? Call for help on a cell phone. Soon some people magically appeared in the storm and pushed it out.

Years ago when I was a new teenage driver in Idaho, I was driving home on icy roads and turned the corner too fast. The car slid off the road into the burrow pit. So I walked a half mile home and told my dad. He didn't get angry, just smiled, told me to drive slower next time and turned on the tractor. We rode the tractor to the car, hooked on a big chain and rescued my car.

What a difference 45 years makes.

1 comment:

Erickson said...

I like to hear stories about grandpa and anything that involves a tractor is always fun.